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South West Oxford
Oxpens Road
Design Codes clarified different element in the Master Plan. Hence, the new proposed development in the site fited well into the Master Plan relating to build form by creating an attrative divers place. The Design Codes gave an opportunity to clarify a lively and natural place to live by including diversity and robustness into the site.
Street Codes and Building codes gave a specified idea by analysing each element related to the Master Plan. Street furniture, parking vegetation and colour pallete give an overall understanding of a depsh analysis of design codes in West end of Oxpens Road in Oxford.
Design codes are well linked to the regulating plans, which makes the analysis more clear for each element of coding area. Design codes is a clear analysis, which makes a developer confident to implement the project in this site.
Bentley I et al. (1985). Responsive Environments. The Architectural Press: London.
CABE. (2003). The Use of Urban Design Codes: Building Sustainable Communities. [Online]. Available at: [Accesed 10 April 2014].
DoCLG et al. (2007). Manual for Streets. HMSO.[Online]. Available at : [Accessed 20 April 2014].
Gehl.J., (2010). Cities for People. Washington. Island Press.
Gehl.J., (2011). Life Between Buildings. 6th ed. London: Island Press.
Walters, D. (2007). Designing community : charrettes, masterplans and form-based codes. Elsevier/Architectural: Oxford.
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