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Colour Palette:



Colour Palette identifies and deliver an overview colour looking of the design porposel in the Master Plan. the purpose of colour palette is to deliver a natural colour into the site and make a friendly environment.


Colour palette provides a unique character by providing a vibrant area that relate the connectivity between nature and built form.Colour Palette determine colours such as: roof, roof garden, floor surface, buildings, street furnitures, which gives an identity to the area.


Roofscape covers, terrace houses, balconies and gardens. The site contains terrace houses, which will have a green roof. All the roofs are flat roofs, which makes the area linear and unique.

Street Furniture will be mainly wood material, which will contain the colour palete in the left.

Street Furniture:


Complimentary colours should be used in buildings captured from the nature to make the site more interesting. The will be used on the roof gardens, balconies, walls of the buildings, which will give a sense of place between the public and private space.

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